Boring Is Beautiful

BoringIsBeautiful.jpg equipment : Yamaha QY-70, Akai S-20, Electro-Harmonix Vocoder V256, M-Audio 1010LT, Alesis MidiVerb 4, Behringer Ultramizer
mastered : smallhill studio 2017
text : Smallhill
musik : Smallhill
gesang : Android-App TTS
laenge : 3:32 min | bpm : 114


This is my pride,
this makes me satisfied.
Boring is beautiful,
being excited is not wanted.


Not knowing every detail
happening in the world
keeps you relaxed.

Strophe 1:

No tweet is worth to be read,
immediately when it is written.
I don't need to know
about the thrills
of all the red bull hazardeurs.

Strophe 2:

I don't like the big drama
in reality the flat play is much better.
no breathtaking highs
no depressive lows
just a flat line of continuity.

Strophe 3:

To know about millions of fatheads
announcing their doings in facebook
but I like to read last weeks newspaper
the novels from the last century.

version :2017-12-24